Agent Menu

To open the Agent menu, right-click the agent icon in the system tray. The list of available commands will appear.

Handy Backup: Using Agent Menu

Note: This command canÆt be used if you have more than one task working with CD/DVD drive. Only one task that will be first to lock the CD drive will be executed.

FTP Rebind synchronizes local information about the backup set with files existing on an FTP server. This allows you to reduce execution time of a new task by performing incremental backup instead of full one.

Usage of the FTP Rebind function is done in the following way:

  1. Manually copy data you want to back up from your computer to an FTP server.
  2. Create a backup task for the data on the FTP server. Do not launch this task.
  3. Use FTP Rebind to create backup.hbi  file without actually performing time-consuming backup operation.

After applying the FTP Rebind function you will be able to perform incremental backup and back up only new and updated files of your computer.

Handy Backup Agent

Command Line

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